Vladimir Propp - The little
cottage in the woods
The villain: Danyaal, the princess’s ex fiancé who wants to destroy everything of hers.
The donor: Mariam, gives the price her diamond which will guide him the right way
The helper: Daniel, gives vinesh a soda drink which will give him extra powers to destroy the evil forces
The princess to be: Vandna – is in danger when she finds out her cottage in the woods is on fire
The dispatcher: Mr Bush, must allow vinesh to go and destroy all evil in the woods.
The villain: Danyaal, the princess’s ex fiancé who wants to destroy everything of hers.
The donor: Mariam, gives the price her diamond which will guide him the right way
The helper: Daniel, gives vinesh a soda drink which will give him extra powers to destroy the evil forces
The princess to be: Vandna – is in danger when she finds out her cottage in the woods is on fire
The dispatcher: Mr Bush, must allow vinesh to go and destroy all evil in the woods.
The hero: Vinesh,
goes on a mission given to him by his granddad the dispatcher/
Roland Barthes-
Enigma/Hermeneutic codes: We
find out during the climax of the narrative that Ronald is evil. Therefore
throughout the story mystery and suspense is built.
Action codes: When
Ronald pulls out his sword, the audience know that a battle is about to take
Multi strand narrative: It
is not a multi strand narrative as there is only one plot built up in a single
Linear pattern: The
story follows a chronological order, beginning, climax and end (resolution).
Tzvetan Todorov-
Equilibrium: The
story begins with the princess to be Vandna is in the woods with her family and
sets her eyes on a prince.
Disequilibrium: Vandna
notices her ex fiancé wondering around her family cottage and wonders why he is
here and what he is up to. She informs the country’s prince and flea’s from her
cottage without telling anyone to bring woods so that there is always light
outside so she knows what is going on.
New Equilibrium: Danyaal
is defeated, and prince quickly extinguishes the fire, he asks Vandnas hand in
marriage and get married and live happily ever after.
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