The Ill Manors Facebook page has 30K likes.
2. What is the top of the page promoting?
At the top of the Ill Manors facebook page, it has the cover of the movie, it is promoting that you can now buy on DVD and own it on Blue-ray. It is still selling the movie despite it being released quiet a while ago.

This image appeals to the target audience of Ill Manors as it shows them the ratings and comments the movie has received, it gives the audiences a second hand opinion on the movie, and for those who haven't watched it can look at this feedback which is positive and may be inspired to watch the movie.

This image is an award for the film ill Manors, this is showing that the movie deserves to be acknowledged, this screen shot shows that the movie was watched my loads of different age groups, for it to receive an award.
This image of the director himself, this is a different side to Plan B as he is usually seen in casual clothing, this image of plan b is when he is attending an awards function for his movie which is nominated. This side of plan b compared to when he's singing his music attracts different audiences.
5. Find three examples on the Facebook wall of opportunities for user generated content or audience interaction (e.g. a question that invites people to comment or a competition to enter).
There is a competition, on plan b's Facebook page, the competition includes going to the website and entering and winning prizes that include Carling drinks and other great prizes. There are further links, linking to audiences being able to watch interviews they've missed and to leave comments and feedback. This gives people an opportunity to know the artist and director further. Below is another thing audiences can get involved in, it allows them to see whether their tweets have been projected across the UK. This is an example of audience interaction.
(London has seen your tweets! We projected across the UK's capital all of Tuesday night and this is what the people saw. Comment below if you can see any of your own tweets!
Watch now:
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6. Find three examples of the Facebook page cross-promoting the soundtrack or DVD release.
The first example of the Facebook promoting the DVD is right at the top of the page where it says you can now buy the DVD, which also comes in Blue Ray.
An example of Facebook promoting the music video is advertising that you can now buy it on iTunes.
Lastly, there is another example promoting the music video on his Facebook page, which is the actual music video itself posted on the page.
7. How did the institution use the Facebook page to promote the film's release in May/June 2012?
The movie was promoted in various ways through Facebook. There was competitions going on, plan b's interviews, talk shows and magazine interviews were all posted on the Facebook page. This gave audiences a chance to further their knowledge about the movie and plan b himself. The Facebook page has posters of the movie itself, these posters show ratings and reviews from newspapers and magazines, there are also links to interviews and behind the scene footage with the cast and crew.
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