I believe the ill manors tag London campaign helped to promote the film as it allowed people on Twitter to interact with the movie. As the Twitter account said if you tweet us what you think of the current climate in the UK we will respond to this and graffiti it and this kind of links in with in the movie as the movie itself shows different views to what the media show us so it is as if they are giving you a chance to spread your message and even be a part of the ill manor project.
There are links between the ill manors campaign as they are trying to get their messages across. They may be different messages but they are all trying to send out messages to their viewers. This is from the broadcast in where Plan B may have interviews with talk shows to magazine articles which is similar to the ill manors campaign as they all promoting the movie and giving you a way of interacting with things to do with ill manors.
I believe this type of a campaign may be more successful that traditional campaigns as it is using Twitter and social networking to promote themselves. In today's modern society technology is an important asset to the way we live and e media is becoming more and more important. So by ill manors using this campaign through twitter and using hash tags they would be targeting a wide target audience due to the fact that e media may be more important than broadcast and print nowadays. Also through Twitter they are able to target a much wider audience as well as the campaign itself being different and unique.
This would appeal I believe mainly to struggler's as this tweet may be related to them in the way that the poorer are getting poorer. Also to a a more D demographic which relates to what I said about psycographics.
This would appeal to I believe to explorers as for e.g. they try new brands and individualism and this tweet highlights this, I say this as the tweet is going against Cameron and expressing their own views.
I believe this would appeal to struggler's as this group would relate to the tweet. Inclusion not exclusion shows that they want to be part of society and not be outsiders and this is what struggler's are seen in society who seek escape.
I believe this would appeal to explorers as they try to seek discovery and seek difference and try brands in the first try. By this I mean the tweet is comparing the trainers and teenagers to rich people and expenses which are equivalent in their terms.
This would relate to mainly all the psycographic groups as all groups would be affected from main-streamers to struggler's as this tweet highlights that the whole of London is calling and the city is crumbling and that something should be done.
Monday, 17 March 2014
ill Manors Twitter
- How does the Ill Manors Twitter feed use the Ill Manors brand to promote the film?
- What hashtags are used on the Ill Manors Twitter feed?
- Find three celebrities the Ill Manors Twitter feed re-tweeted to promote the film and explain how they appeal to the Ill Manors target audience.
- How has the Ill Manors Twitter feed used pictures to help promote the film?
- Find examples of the Ill Manors Tag London campaign in the Ill Manors Twitter feed and explain how they help to target the right audience for the film.
- How was the Ill Manors Twitter feed used to specifically promote the release of the film (May/June 2012) and the release on DVD (October 2012)? Choose three tweets for each and explain how they effectively promote the film.
The last time something was posted on plan b's twitter page for ill Manors was 17/01/13. The hashtags used were #ill-manors, #megamonday, #playingwithfire, #Qawards. Revolver UK promoted the movie on their twitter by re-tweeting initial tweets, this helps people familiarize themselves with what is going on and who the movie is being produced by, this helps audiences identify that even though it is a low budget film, it is still being produced by us. Chris from Ill Manors, also re-tweeted the tweet of the movie's release dates this will attract his followers to be interested in the movie and will allow them to look it up and follow plan b's twitter page.
- The background is completely comprised of a massive ill manors movie promotional poster which has rating and quotes incorporated in it. This is 'in your face' promotion of the film as the viewer will be directly presented with the poster which may alter their decision to go watch the movie.
- The ill manors ident/ logo is used to help represent/ highlight brand identity which in turn coupled with the other pictures on the twitter feed helps to promote it.
- dvd release : retweet of fan picture of the dvd allows viewer to acknowledge the fact it is available and that it may be popular as people have already began buying it , however they do not know whether people have 'flocked' to buy it.
ill Manors Instagram
- How has Ill Manors used the Instagram platform to promote Ill Manors?
On Plan B's instagram page, there are images promoting the film, the images are posters of the film with release dates and ratings. There are also posters advertising that you can now buy it on Blue Ray.
2. Choose three particular images/posts and explain why they are effective in promoting the film.
One image that is really effective is the poster with different comments from newspapers and magazines, this image is really effective in promoting the film, firstly because Riz Ahmed the main character is on the poster itself and secondly it has received many positive comments which are outlined on the poster on each side of Riz Ahmed.
Another image is of the director sitting on the wall and it says ill Manors, this image is promoting the music video, and the album as the poster is originally created from a music video shot. Lastly there is an image of all the cast and crew with the ill Manors poster, there are two quotes on each side reading 'brilliant, brutal, powerful' and on the other side 'Raw thrilling and utterly gripping' these show a quote from mens health magazine and d magazine. This is an effective way to promote something as it shows audiences views from magazines and how well the movie is doing from the opinions of those who have already watched it.
3.What hashtags are used on Instagram to promote the film? Is there consistency in branding/hashtags across social media? Why is this important?
There are no hashtags used, below any of the pictures there are no hashtags, therefore there is no consistency in branding the movie.
4. Find three images on Instagram tagged with Ill Manors that relate to other texts you have studied across the three platforms (such as the music video, TEDx lecture or a print interview). Explain the synergy between the texts.
There are 3 images which are posters of the the movie, they show posters of Plan B's movie ill Manors, they relate to other texts we have studied in class which are the Tedx lecture and the print interview. There is an image of him when he is in an interview with Fearne Cotton on the Radio One show.
ill Manors - Facebook
1. How many 'likes' has the Ill Manors film page had?
The Ill Manors Facebook page has 30K likes.
2. What is the top of the page promoting?
At the top of the Ill Manors facebook page, it has the cover of the movie, it is promoting that you can now buy on DVD and own it on Blue-ray. It is still selling the movie despite it being released quiet a while ago.
3. Choose five of the posts on the page's wall, screen grab them and explain how they appeal to the Ill Manor's target audience.
This image appeals to the target audience of Ill Manors as it shows them the ratings and comments the movie has received, it gives the audiences a second hand opinion on the movie, and for those who haven't watched it can look at this feedback which is positive and may be inspired to watch the movie.

This image is of Plan B himself, this image is showing the success of his music video, this music video appeals to a different target audience compared to the movie itself. The music video relates to a C2, D, and E target audience using psycho-graphics, this is because the music video involves violence and street language referring to those who were involved in the riots.
This screen-shot is of ill Manors being introduced in the Brit Awards, the Brit Awards usually acknowledge well-known big budget movies and the people that attend the Brit Awards are big Hollywood starts and famous people. This screen-shot shows that the audience at the Brit Awards will be different compared to the audience who listen to his music.
This image is an award for the film ill Manors, this is showing that the movie deserves to be acknowledged, this screen shot shows that the movie was watched my loads of different age groups, for it to receive an award.
This image of the director himself, this is a different side to Plan B as he is usually seen in casual clothing, this image of plan b is when he is attending an awards function for his movie which is nominated. This side of plan b compared to when he's singing his music attracts different audiences.
5. Find three examples on the Facebook wall of opportunities for user generated content or audience interaction (e.g. a question that invites people to comment or a competition to enter).
There is a competition, on plan b's Facebook page, the competition includes going to the website and entering and winning prizes that include Carling drinks and other great prizes. There are further links, linking to audiences being able to watch interviews they've missed and to leave comments and feedback. This gives people an opportunity to know the artist and director further. Below is another thing audiences can get involved in, it allows them to see whether their tweets have been projected across the UK. This is an example of audience interaction.
(London has seen your tweets! We projected across the UK's capital all of Tuesday night and this is what the people saw. Comment below if you can see any of your own tweets!
Watch now: http://youtu.be/DsksKsoAblc
Find out more: http://illmanors.time4planb.co.uk/ )
6. Find three examples of the Facebook page cross-promoting the soundtrack or DVD release.
The first example of the Facebook promoting the DVD is right at the top of the page where it says you can now buy the DVD, which also comes in Blue Ray.
An example of Facebook promoting the music video is advertising that you can now buy it on iTunes.
Lastly, there is another example promoting the music video on his Facebook page, which is the actual music video itself posted on the page.
7. How did the institution use the Facebook page to promote the film's release in May/June 2012?
The movie was promoted in various ways through Facebook. There was competitions going on, plan b's interviews, talk shows and magazine interviews were all posted on the Facebook page. This gave audiences a chance to further their knowledge about the movie and plan b himself. The Facebook page has posters of the movie itself, these posters show ratings and reviews from newspapers and magazines, there are also links to interviews and behind the scene footage with the cast and crew.
The Ill Manors Facebook page has 30K likes.
2. What is the top of the page promoting?
At the top of the Ill Manors facebook page, it has the cover of the movie, it is promoting that you can now buy on DVD and own it on Blue-ray. It is still selling the movie despite it being released quiet a while ago.

This image appeals to the target audience of Ill Manors as it shows them the ratings and comments the movie has received, it gives the audiences a second hand opinion on the movie, and for those who haven't watched it can look at this feedback which is positive and may be inspired to watch the movie.

This image is an award for the film ill Manors, this is showing that the movie deserves to be acknowledged, this screen shot shows that the movie was watched my loads of different age groups, for it to receive an award.
This image of the director himself, this is a different side to Plan B as he is usually seen in casual clothing, this image of plan b is when he is attending an awards function for his movie which is nominated. This side of plan b compared to when he's singing his music attracts different audiences.
5. Find three examples on the Facebook wall of opportunities for user generated content or audience interaction (e.g. a question that invites people to comment or a competition to enter).
There is a competition, on plan b's Facebook page, the competition includes going to the website and entering and winning prizes that include Carling drinks and other great prizes. There are further links, linking to audiences being able to watch interviews they've missed and to leave comments and feedback. This gives people an opportunity to know the artist and director further. Below is another thing audiences can get involved in, it allows them to see whether their tweets have been projected across the UK. This is an example of audience interaction.
(London has seen your tweets! We projected across the UK's capital all of Tuesday night and this is what the people saw. Comment below if you can see any of your own tweets!
Watch now: http://youtu.be/DsksKsoAblc
Find out more: http://illmanors.time4planb.co.uk/ )
6. Find three examples of the Facebook page cross-promoting the soundtrack or DVD release.
The first example of the Facebook promoting the DVD is right at the top of the page where it says you can now buy the DVD, which also comes in Blue Ray.
An example of Facebook promoting the music video is advertising that you can now buy it on iTunes.
Lastly, there is another example promoting the music video on his Facebook page, which is the actual music video itself posted on the page.
7. How did the institution use the Facebook page to promote the film's release in May/June 2012?
The movie was promoted in various ways through Facebook. There was competitions going on, plan b's interviews, talk shows and magazine interviews were all posted on the Facebook page. This gave audiences a chance to further their knowledge about the movie and plan b himself. The Facebook page has posters of the movie itself, these posters show ratings and reviews from newspapers and magazines, there are also links to interviews and behind the scene footage with the cast and crew.
Thursday, 13 March 2014
Tuesday, 11 March 2014
Youtube PlanBuk Channel
- How was the planbuk YouTube channel used to promote the Ill Manors film?
- Find examples of synergy or cross-promotion between the planbuk YouTube channel and other media texts you have studied as part of the case study. Explain how they both promote the film and appeal to the Ill Manors target audience.
- What links to other social networking sites can you find on the planbuk channel homepage?
1. On top of the planbuk you-tube channel, the ILL Manors poster is used to promote the movie. It has ratings from five newspapers, the Guardian, the Evening Standard, the Daily Telegraph, the Independent and the Metro. It also has ratings from two magazines which are The Fly and Time Out. In big bold letters it also says 'ILL Manors the number one album' this means that they are advertising success of the album. This will attract audiences to watch the movie and listen to the music related to it. The ratings will show audiences how good the film is as it is a second hand opinion on really popular newspapers and magazines.
2. On his you-tube channel it advertises the featured channel which shows other similar artists, it also shows his other music videos and related channels on you-tube. Comparing this to his poster, the ILL Manors poster includes the release date of the movie, it has quotes from newspapers. The you-tube page is promoting the music video whereas the poster is promoting the movie.
3. There are links to the twitter and Instagram and Facebook page through planbuk's you-tube channel. This then promotes the other pages planB has and people can access that which will lead to more people being interested in what he does and his movie and music video.
Improvement Paragraph
Through the website, audiences get an insight of the main characters, we hear about the making of ill manors from them. The website has many features such as important information like the release date and trailer. Comparing that to the Facebook page for ill manors it is a bit more simplistic with less information, less colour and entertainment. Both broadcast platforms are portraying the same message which goes along the lines of 'the working class are not noticed. The values expressed in the talk show would be more moralised, whereas the music video is more explicit involving violence.
Monday, 10 March 2014
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