Why is this platform
being used?
The platform being used is Print media, the reason why this platform is being used is because it is convenient people that travel by tube or bus on the way to work can easily pick it and read it. Men's health magazine isn't expensive to busy and can be bought from various places such as the local newsagents, WHS and a store located near the bus stop or train station. For each of these interviews the same time of platform is being used which is print adverts. Newspapers are usually cheaper/free than magazines when consuming.
Does the articles do
more than entertain? How?
Yes, this article informs people as well as entertain. During the article Plan B talks about how he lost weight and due to what reasons. Plan B talks about motivation and change which gave him the confidence to become someone else. As well as inform, this article educates as well, there are a lot of over-weight people in the country and Plan B talks about his regime on loosing weight which could educate those who aren't aware of how to loose body fat. During the end of the interview Plan B talks about passing his lovely suits down to a fat friend which gives the audience a chance for a little laugh which comes under entertaining your audience. In the short-list interview the article doesn't do any more than just inform because me reading the print advert as an audience I didn't feel entertained. The guardian interview was slightly longer for a different audience compared to the men's health magazine the audience for this newspaper is B, C1 and C2 audiences. This interview was more detailed and informing about the film rather than the other interviews, this one included a picture and the character Riz Ahmed.
Does the platform
allow the audience to participate/contribute?
No, the platform does
not allow the audiences to contribute in any way. This is due to the magazine
not having any sort of quiz or competition for the audiences to get involved
in. Due to it being a Print media magazine it also does not give the audiences
a chance to leave their comments. The newspaper interviews did have any sort of
contribution for the audiences to get involved in.
What codes and conventions
of print interviews are apparent in the interview?
codes and conventions used in the print interviews are quotes and realism, the
shortlist advert and the men's health interview use quotes from Plan B himself.
In the Guardian interview which was the longest interview, images of Riz Ahmed
was used.
Is narrative is used
to tell a story?
In the men's health interview obviously as it is
a magazine to do with men the narrative is used to sort of persuade men to
become like Plan B and getting into shape especially as he is a famous person
and could sort of be a role model to the readers of the magazine. With Plan B
saying it was easy for him this may be used to persuade the readers of the
magazine. In the Q interview to help the story he talks about his albums and
music and sort of talks in slang which readers of Q may relate to and may
understand his message as he is not speaking in a serious tone. In the
shortlist interview it has more of a like chilled atmosphere to it as some of
the questions aren't the most of serious questions and this narrative may
helped tell the story as it like an interview with one of his friends. In the
Plan B interview with the Guardian the narrative is used to tell a story in
which he talks about his life and growing up and how hard it was for him which
is sort of like a story itself. Relating this to the theory of Vladmir Propp
Plan B is sort of like a hero and the princess at the same time as when he was
younger he needed saving from the hard life that he lived and then became a
hero as he saved himself from the hard life and became someone famous, also the
villains would be the people that didn't treat him as equals when he was
younger and before he became famous. Also relating it to another theory most of
his life was disequilibrium up until he started making music and was his
equilibrium in which he then became famous.
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