WWW: Good attempt to apply theory to the text
EBI: Be more specific when discussing media forms/mise-en-scene. Add a paragraph to Q2 conveying costume/gesture etc.
Q2: The costumes worn by the characters in the video are natural, the father and mother are dressed casually whereas the daughter is dressed in a pink dress wearing wings, this shows that she is angelic and the one who is protecting the family. The gesture portrayed on the characters faces are happy and positive. The expressions on their faces are of happy family expressions. The daughter is seen smiling when the video starts which shows a tight-knit bond between the family. The is a safe home setting, no blood and violence scene is shown to portray how to be safe, this shows a positive side to the advert as even though it is an advert consisting of danger its still shown in a positive and encouraging way.
Tuesday, 25 February 2014
Wednesday, 12 February 2014
Plan B Interviews
Why is this platform
being used?
The platform being used is Print media, the reason why this platform is being used is because it is convenient people that travel by tube or bus on the way to work can easily pick it and read it. Men's health magazine isn't expensive to busy and can be bought from various places such as the local newsagents, WHS and a store located near the bus stop or train station. For each of these interviews the same time of platform is being used which is print adverts. Newspapers are usually cheaper/free than magazines when consuming.
Does the articles do
more than entertain? How?
Yes, this article informs people as well as entertain. During the article Plan B talks about how he lost weight and due to what reasons. Plan B talks about motivation and change which gave him the confidence to become someone else. As well as inform, this article educates as well, there are a lot of over-weight people in the country and Plan B talks about his regime on loosing weight which could educate those who aren't aware of how to loose body fat. During the end of the interview Plan B talks about passing his lovely suits down to a fat friend which gives the audience a chance for a little laugh which comes under entertaining your audience. In the short-list interview the article doesn't do any more than just inform because me reading the print advert as an audience I didn't feel entertained. The guardian interview was slightly longer for a different audience compared to the men's health magazine the audience for this newspaper is B, C1 and C2 audiences. This interview was more detailed and informing about the film rather than the other interviews, this one included a picture and the character Riz Ahmed.
Does the platform
allow the audience to participate/contribute?
No, the platform does
not allow the audiences to contribute in any way. This is due to the magazine
not having any sort of quiz or competition for the audiences to get involved
in. Due to it being a Print media magazine it also does not give the audiences
a chance to leave their comments. The newspaper interviews did have any sort of
contribution for the audiences to get involved in.
What codes and conventions
of print interviews are apparent in the interview?
codes and conventions used in the print interviews are quotes and realism, the
shortlist advert and the men's health interview use quotes from Plan B himself.
In the Guardian interview which was the longest interview, images of Riz Ahmed
was used.
Is narrative is used
to tell a story?
In the men's health interview obviously as it is
a magazine to do with men the narrative is used to sort of persuade men to
become like Plan B and getting into shape especially as he is a famous person
and could sort of be a role model to the readers of the magazine. With Plan B
saying it was easy for him this may be used to persuade the readers of the
magazine. In the Q interview to help the story he talks about his albums and
music and sort of talks in slang which readers of Q may relate to and may
understand his message as he is not speaking in a serious tone. In the
shortlist interview it has more of a like chilled atmosphere to it as some of
the questions aren't the most of serious questions and this narrative may
helped tell the story as it like an interview with one of his friends. In the
Plan B interview with the Guardian the narrative is used to tell a story in
which he talks about his life and growing up and how hard it was for him which
is sort of like a story itself. Relating this to the theory of Vladmir Propp
Plan B is sort of like a hero and the princess at the same time as when he was
younger he needed saving from the hard life that he lived and then became a
hero as he saved himself from the hard life and became someone famous, also the
villains would be the people that didn't treat him as equals when he was
younger and before he became famous. Also relating it to another theory most of
his life was disequilibrium up until he started making music and was his
equilibrium in which he then became famous.
TEDx Lecture - Plan B
TEDx Lecture - Plan B.
I think Plan B's beliefs are to not judge a book by its cover. He also says to think about what a person might have gone through or been brought up through to be the person they are today. He also believes that society and politics have demonized the youth today as the media just want us to know what they choose, and sometimes not the real side to the story. A prime example of this is when Plan B talks about a story from when he was filming ill Manors. The story was about how a group of drug-dealers were about to beat up Ben Drew and how Drew stood his ground which in turn let another group of drug dealers to come to the aid of Drew. From what Drew tells, the media left out the best, and good, part about standing his ground and just focused of the group of drug-dealers about to "kick [his] head in"
I think the target audience of the lecture is people of the socio-demographic of E, D, C1,C2. This is because Plan B talks mainly about children with backgrounds similar to his. However, I think that mainly the middle class are present at this lecture as The Guardian newspaper organises these lectures and the main readers of this newspaper is the middle class. This group would come under the psycographic of aspirer's as they aspire to know more about situations that are foreign to their own. This is different to the psycographic of Drew's films.
Drew says that the media twist the truth to meet their own gain. He also said that they only tell parts of the whole story as I explained in the above paragraph. This links back to Cohen's theory of 'Folk Devils' and how the media is demonizing the youth into a 'Folk Devil' and how the media is stereotyping he youth into being a pain and a disturbance.
I think Plan B's beliefs are to not judge a book by its cover. He also says to think about what a person might have gone through or been brought up through to be the person they are today. He also believes that society and politics have demonized the youth today as the media just want us to know what they choose, and sometimes not the real side to the story. A prime example of this is when Plan B talks about a story from when he was filming ill Manors. The story was about how a group of drug-dealers were about to beat up Ben Drew and how Drew stood his ground which in turn let another group of drug dealers to come to the aid of Drew. From what Drew tells, the media left out the best, and good, part about standing his ground and just focused of the group of drug-dealers about to "kick [his] head in"
I think the target audience of the lecture is people of the socio-demographic of E, D, C1,C2. This is because Plan B talks mainly about children with backgrounds similar to his. However, I think that mainly the middle class are present at this lecture as The Guardian newspaper organises these lectures and the main readers of this newspaper is the middle class. This group would come under the psycographic of aspirer's as they aspire to know more about situations that are foreign to their own. This is different to the psycographic of Drew's films.
Drew says that the media twist the truth to meet their own gain. He also said that they only tell parts of the whole story as I explained in the above paragraph. This links back to Cohen's theory of 'Folk Devils' and how the media is demonizing the youth into a 'Folk Devil' and how the media is stereotyping he youth into being a pain and a disturbance.
Plan B - Radio Interview
Lesson Notes :
Plan B first talks about how he is in the making of Ill manors and still doing the finishing touches to the movie by doing little parts within the movie. He also talks about how he is lacking sleep as he is also trying to complete his album which links to the movie called ill manors. His latest single which he also talks about is called ill manors and Fearne then gives a little snippet of the song and then says the song is going to be played everyday of that week so that Plan B is being promoted as well as his movie and his album. This is the difference between radio stations and TV programmes for example as Radio stations are always being played and could benefit the artist more however it is being played to a smaller audience than say someone at Jonathan Ross.
Lesson Notes :
- Educate , inform , entertain
- Creative process
- BBC - Public service broadcaster
- Single/soundtrack/Album = Synergy
- Plan b is promoted
- Niche - section of an audience
- Radio playlists = target specific audience
- Interactivity = call in , text in etc
Plan B first talks about how he is in the making of Ill manors and still doing the finishing touches to the movie by doing little parts within the movie. He also talks about how he is lacking sleep as he is also trying to complete his album which links to the movie called ill manors. His latest single which he also talks about is called ill manors and Fearne then gives a little snippet of the song and then says the song is going to be played everyday of that week so that Plan B is being promoted as well as his movie and his album. This is the difference between radio stations and TV programmes for example as Radio stations are always being played and could benefit the artist more however it is being played to a smaller audience than say someone at Jonathan Ross.
Tuesday, 11 February 2014
Letter to Plan B
Dear Ben Drew,
I am writing to you regarding your amazing film ILL Manors, we have been studying your film and music video for our media exam. Whilst studying ILL Manors and listening to your interviews I have been really inspired. I have never really thought about the people with less opportunities to I have, and it’s been a real eye-opener. Whilst watching your TEDx interview it has really inspired me to help someone who has a talent and bring them to the real world the world they haven’t come across. I am writing this letter kindly asking you to attend my school Greenford High School in West London. We are a hard-working school and we would love you to visit our school and help enhance our grades and help us develop as young individuals.
I am writing to you regarding your amazing film ILL Manors, we have been studying your film and music video for our media exam. Whilst studying ILL Manors and listening to your interviews I have been really inspired. I have never really thought about the people with less opportunities to I have, and it’s been a real eye-opener. Whilst watching your TEDx interview it has really inspired me to help someone who has a talent and bring them to the real world the world they haven’t come across. I am writing this letter kindly asking you to attend my school Greenford High School in West London. We are a hard-working school and we would love you to visit our school and help enhance our grades and help us develop as young individuals.
I would also like to congratulate you on your success in ILL
Manors, it is an amazing film, it’s not the sort of films I watch but I found
it really interesting and different from the usual big budget movies we come
across these days.
Kind Regards,
Humera Zaffar Syed.
Wednesday, 5 February 2014
Title of Publication
The title of the magazine is Doctor Who which is also named after the drama series as well. The colour of the title is in a grey cloudy colour which is also the background colour. The head of Matt Smith (the doctor) covers the title slightly this shows that he is important and well known. It is placed on the top third so that it is easily visible. The cover image is familiar to the audiences therefore the title stands out.
The slogan is in big and white writing, it's catchy and it is meant to stick in the readers mind. It sums up the magazines image as it covers the medium main picture.
Central Image
Most magazines tend to employ a single image whereas this magazine has one centre image and 2 people around him. The look on Matt Smith's face is serious and straight. The centre image which is of the doctor is a strong central image which servers to anchor the cover which provides it with weight and focus. Matt Smith is gazing into the camera so are the other 2 people on the magazine cover. This shows the audience that the people on the magazine are directly addressing them.
Free offer
Magazines sometimes come with free small gifts. In this Doctor Who magazine, there is a competition which reads 'competition win free gifts such as DVD's and Blue Ray DVD's' this is to persuade the audience more into buying the magazine as they are getting something free out of it which audiences like. This gift is closely targeted at the magazines core consumers.
Cover Lines
Once the main image or images are placed on the background, the cover lines will be strategically placed around it so as to advertise the contents of the magazine. In this magazine all the cover lines are placed in the middle rather than most magazines which place their cover lines around the picture. The main cover line is always and most likely in bold and large writing, this usually connects with the central image.
Ill Manors Chat Show Soccer Am With Ben Drew.
Plan B was on the Soccer Am show on Jan 19th 2010. This was before he realised his movie and music video ill Manors. On this chat show he talks about being different from everyone else and not promoting girls and alcohol in his music videos like other rappers. On the chat show Plan B talks about how he has just realised a music video with his original voice rather than rapping he's produced a solo single. He talks about him learning to play the guitar from an early age. Plan B says he wants to experiment on everything that's why his next single would of been a reggae song.
This chat show was before Plan B made his movie therefore he does not speak about in the chat show, he does empathises his unique believes and values. The audience watching this show using the socio demo-graphics are C1, C2 and D, these are those with decent incomes and those who have spare time to waste. We could argue that the groups B would watch this show as it has to do with football.
Ill Manors Website/Chat Show Analysis
Plan B was on the Jonathan Ross show which was aired on ITV, this show has been attended by big celebrities such as Cheryl Cole, Rosie Huntington, and Mo Farah which was there with him. Plan B attended this show not to promote his movie or music video Ill Manors but was here to promote himself as an artist. Plan B talks about his rapping being poetry rather than it consisting of lots of naked girls and alcohol which is typical these days. Plan B is different to other rappers as he is unique and special in what he does. On the chat show he doesn't dress up in fancy clothes or empathises his 'fame'.
The audience for this show using the demo-graphics are C1, C2, B, these are usually the successful and wealthy people. ITV has strong ethical brand values and it is a family channel. Despite Plan B being from the estate 'chav' background he was still considered as being unique and was invited to the show. Plan B or the interviewer doesn't mention his movie or his music video during his chat with Jonathan but discusses himself as an artist
The key features on the website are trailers, synopsis, Ben Drew, Stills, Videos etc. These are included to enhance the movie, these features give the audience a chance to get to know more about the film if they haven't seen it already. It promotes the behind the scenes videos so the audience can feel closer to the cast and feel important as they are being shown the behind the scenes.
On the website there is also a 'Reactions' tab, this shows feedback from various celebrities such as Professor Green, Tinie Tempah, Alesha Dixon and so on. There is also feedback from newspapers The Observer which is an Independent newspaper for mainstreams and politicians, this shows the audience how popular the movie is even to non-teenagers and people from C1 D psycho-graphics.
This information is useful for the audiences because it concentrates just on the film itself, this shows to the audience how valued the film is to the director. On the website there is a lot of useful information for the audiences to see and research on.
Ill Manors Film Research ..
1 1. Film London microwave, BBC films which has been
existed for 13 years and mostly produces and co produces British films. Another
institution that was a part of the film was Aim image which provide the kit for
the film.
2. The films budgets£100,000 which is not a lot for a film but ill manors used their money carefully and they got brilliant results.
2. The films budgets£100,000 which is not a lot for a film but ill manors used their money carefully and they got brilliant results.
3. The films funding came from in a development 3 year plan. The money was funded by film London micro scheme in 2009.
4. Their target audience ranges from young kids who are portrayed in the film and those who are looking for an alternative perspective on the stereotypes featured in the film.
Revolver Entertainment
6.Well lots of young people was interested in because Plan B directed so therefore it was very easy to spared because young people spared things they like every easily. Also there was a lot of buzz on YouTube especially SBTV (YouTube Channel based around new young talents like rappers) which showed behind the scenes of the film a lot.
7. This varies from a blockbuster in the actors it incorporates and also the advertising styles it uses. However it is similar to a blockbuster due to its stunts and nifty camerawork which help mask the fact it has a downgraded budget compared to a blockbuster film.
8. The trailer balances the plot as it itself has a equilibrium, disequilibrium and new equilibrium which give the trailer more depth and helps balance it.
9.18 Certificate:
Main issues that are found -
Very strong violence
Strong portrayals of sexual activity
Strong horror
sex scenes
Drug use is acceptable although it must not be promoted in anyway
15 certificate - 18 certificate
Majority of 15 certificates allow moderate violence, gore and sexual activity, but not too frequent and it must be relevant. Drug taking is not banned but should also not promoted/encouraged.
The difference between both certificates is decided by explicitly.
Plan B - ill Manors official video
Media Representation:
Within the video the masculinity of men is shown they shown as dominate men and this relates to the theory of Berger which goes as such 'Men act women appear'. The stereotype by Medhurt where men are stereotypically more controlling and dominant. The 'youth' are featured in this video as this is aimed at their lifestyles, the story Plan B is trying to tell is that council estate kids aren't as bad as they are portrayed. In the scenes of violence and looting we see mostly young men carrying out these acts as typically boys are more misbehaved then girls. The age range is 16-35 year old's, we see all ages from this age band. The ethnic groups represented the most in this video are White British and Black African, these ethnicities are those who typically live in estate houses and are those who caused the riots.
Media Institution:
The video of Plan B's ill manors is very diverse, low key lighting has been used and you can see in the video there isn't lots of 'girls and alcohol' which is typically seen in rap video.This shows his unique and creative side to hip-hip which he refers to 'poetry'. Even though plan B wants to show a different side to estate kids he still shows them creating havoc and disturbing people. Plan B believes that the media washes people to believe something and then they start believing that and judging peoples ability, this is also a line in his music video. Another message Plan B gives in his music video is that schools out and communities are closed and they have nothing to do that's why they are rioting which makes sense they're young and bored and they are being labelled therefore they think it is right to do what they are doing. In this video Plan B shows his truth and how he grew up and got kicked out of school, he's trying to say that the media glamorise things that shouldn't be such as gadgets and latest phones rather than helping those who need help.
Media Audience:
I believe this music video can relate to everyone not only teenagers. This video can relate to those celebrities who have been brought up in council estate houses and have come so far to reflect on these situations that are still on-going. The video consists of youth actors in the video but the messages portrayed in the music video are fit enough for adults that are mature to understand. I think the music video is based on the social demographics E, D, C2, C1 the reason for this is because the B and A category are too strict and have a tunnel vision on the youth. Based on the lifestyle classification by Young and Rubicam the groups are struggler's and reformers this is because struggler's are like estate youths they're struggling to become something whereas reformers want to make a change due to where they come from.
The cover line 'I can't trust anyone' would appeal to our film because in there something similar happens, the double personality of the serial killer can relate to his girlfriends feelings of him being unfaithful and not trust worthy. This cover line is really catchy and if we had an exclusive interview with Rob Pattison and his ex-girlfriends cheating scandal would be good for our magazine cover.
The cover line 'Yes they're in love' is another very catchy cover line, this would appeal to the E4 target audience, there's a twilight exclusive which appeals to the E4 audience aswell. Similarly to our production the couple are in love.

This seventeen magazine covers the E4 target audience (15-35). On this magazine there is a very catchy cover line 'Total dating confidence, flirty lines guys can't resist'. This cover line fits perfectly for the age range 15-35 E4 audience.

This magazine has a cover line in black 'Beef up your skills' as my magazine cover will consist of a male's image this cover line would work really well with it. 15-35 year old's are fit and young therefore will be interested in these sort of things.
This is also another Men's health magazine which has an interesting cover line for men 'Build 6kg of hard muscle' this cover line would also be appealing to most young males as growing your muscles is something most men are keen on. This would look good on my magazine cover because my magazine cover has a male's photo on it.
The cover line 'Yes they're in love' is another very catchy cover line, this would appeal to the E4 target audience, there's a twilight exclusive which appeals to the E4 audience aswell. Similarly to our production the couple are in love.
This seventeen magazine covers the E4 target audience (15-35). On this magazine there is a very catchy cover line 'Total dating confidence, flirty lines guys can't resist'. This cover line fits perfectly for the age range 15-35 E4 audience.

This magazine has a cover line in black 'Beef up your skills' as my magazine cover will consist of a male's image this cover line would work really well with it. 15-35 year old's are fit and young therefore will be interested in these sort of things.
This is also another Men's health magazine which has an interesting cover line for men 'Build 6kg of hard muscle' this cover line would also be appealing to most young males as growing your muscles is something most men are keen on. This would look good on my magazine cover because my magazine cover has a male's photo on it.
Tuesday, 4 February 2014
Ill Manors Analysis
The key features on the website are trailers, synopsis, Ben Drew, Stills, Videos etc. These are included to enhance the movie, these features give the audience a chance to get to know more about the film if they haven't seen it already. It promotes the behind the scenes videos so the audience can feel closer to the cast and feel important as they are being shown the behind the scenes.
On the website there is also a 'Reactions' tab, this shows feedback from various celebrities such as Professor Green, Tinie Tempah, Alesha Dixon and so on. There is also feedback from newspapers The Observer which is an Independent newspaper for mainstreams and politicians, this shows the audience how popular the movie is even to non-teenagers and people from C1 D psycho-graphics.
This information is useful for the audiences because it concentrates just on the film itself, this shows to the audience how valued the film is to the director. On the website there is a lot of useful information for the audiences to see and research on.
The key features on the website are trailers, synopsis, Ben Drew, Stills, Videos etc. These are included to enhance the movie, these features give the audience a chance to get to know more about the film if they haven't seen it already. It promotes the behind the scenes videos so the audience can feel closer to the cast and feel important as they are being shown the behind the scenes.
On the website there is also a 'Reactions' tab, this shows feedback from various celebrities such as Professor Green, Tinie Tempah, Alesha Dixon and so on. There is also feedback from newspapers The Observer which is an Independent newspaper for mainstreams and politicians, this shows the audience how popular the movie is even to non-teenagers and people from C1 D psycho-graphics.
This information is useful for the audiences because it concentrates just on the film itself, this shows to the audience how valued the film is to the director. On the website there is a lot of useful information for the audiences to see and research on.
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